Campaign pricing

Campaign pricing

One of the many approaches to pricing is in ecommerce & retail is “Campaign Pricing,” which involves offering promotions, discounts, or special deals to attract customers. The approach is commonly used to boost sales, clear inventory, or to test new products in the market. Campaign pricing in ecommerce and retail In ecommerce, campaign pricing is […]

Key basket

Key basket

The concept of a Key Basket refers to a group of products or items that are deemed to be particularly important for a business, as they drive the majority of its sales and profits. This group of products is typically used as a reference point to help businesses set prices for other items in their […]

Key value items (KVI)

Key value items

Key value items or KVIs, are products that play a critical role in the sales and profitability of a retail or e-commerce business. These items are often heavily promoted, and prices for KVIs are carefully monitored by both the retailer and the manufacturer to ensure that they remain competitive and attractive to consumers. In the […]

Highly competitive pricing

Highly competitive pricing

Highly competitive pricing is a pricing strategy used by retailers and ecommerce businesses to gain an advantage over their competitors by offering products and services at lower prices. This strategy is often used in highly competitive markets where there are many similar products or services being offered by multiple businesses. Pros and cons of highly […]

Competitive match pricing methodology

Competitive match pricing methodology

Competitive match pricing methodology is a pricing practice that involves closely monitoring the prices of competitors in order to stay competitive in the market. For businesses in the ecommerce and retail sectors, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what their competitors are doing in terms of pricing. This includes keeping an eye on […]

Initial markup

Initial markup

Initial markup is a term used in retail and ecommerce businesses to describe the price increase from the cost of a product to the final selling price. It is the first step in determining the final price of a product and can have a significant impact on the overall profitability of a business. The purpose […]

Fixed profit margins

Fixed profit margins

In the retail and ecommerce industry, it’s important to set a pricing strategy that ensures a steady stream of profits. One common approach is to establish fixed profit margins for each product or service being sold. This means that a set amount of profit will be added to the cost price of each item, resulting […]

Incremental pricing revenue

Incremental pricing revenue

Incremental pricing revenue in ecommerce and retail Incremental pricing revenue is a pricing strategy used by retailers and ecommerce businesses to increase revenue by offering customers additional products or services at an additional cost. This strategy is often used in the form of upselling or cross-selling, where a customer is offered an upgrade or add-on […]

Penetration pricing

Penetration pricing

Penetration pricing is a common pricing strategy in ecommerce and retail businesses that aims to quickly gain a large market share by offering products or services at a lower price than competitors. This strategy is often used by new companies or businesses that are entering new markets, as a way to establish themselves and attract […]

Price sensitiveness

Price sensitiveness

Pricing in ecommerce and retail businesses is a complex and ever-evolving aspect of running a successful operation. One important concept to consider is price sensitiveness or price sensitivity, which refers to the degree to which customers are sensitive to changes in price. In other words, it measures how much a change in price will affect […]